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it depends how high were your hcg levels, i was about 5 weeks when i miscarried nd my hcg were at 880 now after 1 week my hcg gone down to 100 so it all get a positive your hcg levels should be higher then 4

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Q: How long can pregnancy test show positive after a miscarriage?
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How long after a miscarriage should a pregnancy test show positive?

A pregnancy test can remain positive for 2 weeks after a miscarriage. Sometimes longer.

Can a home pregnancy test show up positive after a miscarriage?

Yes. It can take several weeks for the hCG to clear from the body. It depends what stage of pregnancy you were at.

If you have a miscarriage will a pregnancy test still show positive?

Until all the hormones are washed from your body, you can still show positive on an OTC pregnancy test. The earlier you miscarry the sooner the test will become negative as there are fewer hormones in the body.

Is it common to show a positive sign on a pregnancy test only 2 days after a miscarriage?

Yes and sometimes even longer!!

Does the body continue producing progesterone weeks after miscarriage?

The body needs a few weeks to catch up so the pregnancy test will show positive for awhile after the miscarriage or abortion.

After a miscarriage and home test is still positive is it possible that you are still pregnant?

Wait a few weeks to take a pregnancy test after a miscarriage. It will take a while for the pregnancy hormone to get out of your system, so a test will show up positive even if you are not pregnant. Hope this helps. And I am sorry for your loss.

If you believe you are having a miscarriage and you have not been able to take a pregnancy test yet to be positive you were pregnant will the test still show positive after?

Yes the test will show positive for awhile after since it takes time for the hormones to settle.

How long will a pregnancy test show positive after an pregnancy?

About a week after the egg has been fertilized

Heavy period pregnancy test came out positive can you still be pregnant?

The test will show positive until the pregnancy hormones have gone back to normal it can take a few weeks. You have to see a doctor if you suspect miscarriage. There can be remains that have to be removed.

If you think you are about two weeks pregnant and had a once off heavy bleeding and the pregnancy test showsis positive does that mean you had a miscarriage?

It is possible, but the bleeding could also have been from implantation bleeding. A pregnancy test will show positive for a while after a miscarriage because your body has not rid itself of the HCG (pregnancy hormone) levels yet. The further along you were, the longer a pregnancy test will show positive. I would still be on the lookout for any symptoms of pregnancy, continue taking your prenatal vitamins (or at least folic acid), refrain from alcohol and tobacco and caffeine then in a couple weeks take another test and see. Or you can go to the doctor to either confirm pregnancy or miscarriage.

Can you still have a positive pregnancy test after having a miscarriage while on birth control?

Absolutely! While birth control does not affect the accuracy of a pregnancy test, the body will still have some pregnancy hormone (hCG) that will show up in blood or urine pregnancy tests even after a miscarriage. As the levels drop, the test will eventually become negative.

Can you have had a miscarriage and a pregnancy test show negative the same day?

If the embryo stopped developing soon after implanting this would be possible, if you never had a positive test -it is more likely you weren't pregnant.