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In general for a couple of months.

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Q: How long do you have pregnancy hormones after miscarriage?
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You had a miscarriage 3 weeks ago and took a pregnancy test that said positive is that your hormones from the old pregnancy?

yes that's exactly what it is. the pregnancy hormone stays in your body for several weeks after a miscarriage.

Can you get pregnancy false alarm on a pregnancy tester after 7 months of miscarriage?

If you have healed and gotten your period back there is no pregnancy hormones so no it can not.

Why are your feet and ankles swollen after a miscarriage?

Swollen feet and ankles after suffering through a miscarriage are caused by hormones. These same hormones that are occurring during the pregnancy contribute to water retention.

Does a positive pregnancy test 2 weeks after a miscarriage mean a new pregnancy or just pregnancy hormones retained from last time?

Most likely the hormones haven't settled. You should wait 3 weeks until you have sex after a miscarriage though so if you had you could be pregnant again.

If its been a week after a miscarriage and you take a pregnancy test and it comes back positive are you be pregnant?

Not necessarily. The hormones that make a pregnancy test read positive stay in your body for a little while after a miscarriage.

After a miscarriage how long does the hormones stay in your body?

For a couple of months.

Will a home pregnancy test be accurate if you had a miscarriage 4 weeks ago?

Yes, all of the hormones from the previous pregnancy have left your body by this point. ~pawsalmighty

How long after a miscarriage should a pregnancy test show positive?

A pregnancy test can remain positive for 2 weeks after a miscarriage. Sometimes longer.

If you have a miscarriage will a pregnancy test still show positive?

Until all the hormones are washed from your body, you can still show positive on an OTC pregnancy test. The earlier you miscarry the sooner the test will become negative as there are fewer hormones in the body.

Will a home pregnancy test still be positive if you have a miscarriage?

Yes it takes a few weeks until the hormones goes back to normal.

Miscarriage with continued pregnancy symptoms?

It can take up to 2 months until the pregnancy hormones settle and even longer if you had a later miscarriage and during that time the body think it's pregnant and will continue with the symptoms. If that time has passed you need to see a doctor.

How long is the pregnancy hormone in your system after having a miscarriage?

the hormone can stay in your system for up to 8 weeks. this can make a PT show up positive. Speaking from my own experiences. I had two miscarriages. Your hormones should return to normal within a week or 2. My hormones returned to normal within a week. Occasionally the baby dies a while before the miscarriage and the hormones will have almost disappeared by the time you actually miscarry. It all depends on the reason for the miscarriage and most of the time no-one knows the reason.