There is no definitive answer to this question. Most people will become a lot lighter once they stary the pill and it will only last a few days but this will not be the case for everyone. Some people can even become heavier once they start the pill.
Is it normal to get period cramps while on the pill?
Hello. This could simply be a heavy period caused by missing one pill. Even though it was a non-active pill, it may cause a very heavy period.
what does it meam when you have a one day period that is very light while on the mini pill
For me it is. But if you continue to have heavy periods and if you did not have heavy periods before you started your pill then you should see your OBGYN. Good luck and God Bless:)
You can get pregnant at any time nothing is 100% going to stop it - condoms are 98% effective, the pill is 99% effective and getting pregnant while on your period seems impossible, It can happen
Yes it is a side effect of the pills suppressing ovulation - many woman have no period while taking the pill.
Yes. The pill is not always affective.
If you are taking antibiotics, and you got your period while being on the pill, you want to continue to take your pill. Keep in mind that being on antibiotics can lower the affect of the birth control pill.
Matter of hours, up to a day depending how heavy your period is.
Ask a doctor for general advice about heavy periods. For some people, heavy period is normal while others may be caused by an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone. This can be easily corrected by going on a birth control pill or putting in an IUD.
You are not likely to get pregnant while you're on the birth control pill.
Yes, it is normal to have brown spotting while on the pill, particularly if you have recently started taking it or have changed brands. Brown spotting while on the pill can occur in place of a regular period.