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If you are taking antibiotics, and you got your period while being on the pill, you want to continue to take your pill. Keep in mind that being on antibiotics can lower the affect of the birth control pill.

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Q: While taking antibotics you got your period being on the pill do you continue to take your pill?
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What if i Started my period while still on active pills?

Just continue taking your pills as normal.

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Continue taking your birth control pills as scheduled.

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You should continue taking the pill as scheduled regardless of any bleeding.

What if you get your period while on birth control?

If you get your period while on birth control, you should continue using your birth control as scheduled. Bleeding does not change the schedule for taking your pill or changing your patch or ring.

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Many women have no period on the BCP. Do not stop taking it as directed.

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Taking Orovite has absolutely nothing to do with your menstrual cycle. If your menstrual cycle is regular then it will continue to be regular while taking this.

Are you supposed to continue taking birth control while on your period or you resume on another day?

Yes, take one pill every day as scheduled - skipping pills reduces the effectiveness.

If you start while still taking active pills to you continue with the active ones or switch to the sugar pills?

Keep taking your pills all in order-do not skip any active pills...did you miss any pills -sometimes that can cause you to start your period early...also-maybe put a call in to your doc- if you didn't miss any pills,you shouldn't start your period while still taking active pills

Is it normal to skip your period during the first pack of pills?

Many women do not have monthly bleeding while on BCP - take a pregnancy test to be sure and continue taking The Pill as directed as long as it is negative.

Do i continue taking my pill if my period has come when I'm still on the pill?

let your period bleed for a while, and then when it's going away you could start taking the hormonal pills again. Try not to forget. Although apparently you only need 3 days of bleeding to be healthy and allow your cycle to keep moving even on the pill. So 3 days of period is enough.

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