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A new study shows that marijuana may actually stimulate the brain:

There are 2 receptors in the brain that are only stimulated by THC and no other drug.

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Q: How does Marijuana stimulate the brain?
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What can stimulate the brain like marijuana does?

THC is the only chemical that can stimulate the brain exactly like marijuana can and THC is only found in marijuana and Marinol.

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What does marijuana stimulate?

Mind, appetite etc... It also depends on the strain.

Why is marijuana bad for your brain?

Marijuana is not bad for your brain. Marijuana does not harm your brain in any way, shape or form. Short term memory may be affected only WHILE you are high. Marijuana does not kill brain cells or affect long term memory.

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Listening to upbeat music can help stimulate productivity and creativity, providing a boost of energy and motivation.

Does sugar stimulate the brain?

Yes it causes an addiction to the brain it stimulates it then it depends on it

Why do people think marijuana kills brain cells?

In the 30's, the government conducted a series of tests on primates relating to brain function with continued use of marijuana. They started the primates on a number of joints a day, then after no sign of brain cell damage they hooked them up to gasmasks with 300 Columbian strength joints hooked up to a gas system. When the primates inhaled, they were inhaling little to no oxygen, and this continued for hours upon end for months straight. The suffocation led to permanent brain damage. The scientists, looking for something to dish out to the government to make marijuana illegal, blamed the brain damage on marijuana. But tests since then have proved this theory wrong again and again. Recent studies show that marijuana may stimulate brain cell function.

What effects your brain more alcohol or marijuana?

Alcohol has been proven to danger the brain as well as other organs. Marijuana has been proven to benefit the brain. The rumor that marijuana hurts brain cells comes from an experiment done in the 70's where they nearly suffocated 3 monkeys with marijuana smoke. Lack of oxygen killed some of their brain cells, not the marijuana itself.

Do peppermints stimulate the brain?

yes they do because peppermints just do