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._.'you can tell just by looking at them if u look at them and there staring at u but when u look they look away their trying to send u a message and if theyy just stare at u and they look into ur eyes then that could be great for u cuz they either like u or the color of ur eyes if ur eyes are blue,green then their beautifull

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9mo ago

You can tell if someone likes you by observing their body language, noticing if they make an effort to spend time with you or communicate with you regularly, and by paying attention to how they treat you compared to others. Keep in mind that direct communication is the most effective way to understand someone's feelings towards you.

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What does it mean when a boy always mess with you?

It probably means that he likes you, but for some reason doesn't want to tell you. It might be that he's shy, trying to act cool, or simply that he likes messing with you. But no matter what the reason is, it means he likes you.

How can you a 8th grade boy tell if an 6th grade girl likes you?

You can tell if a 6th grade girl likes you if she acts interested in talking to you, frequently laughs at your jokes, and tries to spend time with you. Pay attention to her body language and whether she seems nervous or blushes around you. It's important to communicate openly with her and respect her feelings.

How do you know if someone likes you in fifth grade?

In fifth grade, you can tell if someone likes you if they try to spend time with you, show interest in what you have to say, or act differently around you compared to others. They might also tease you in a playful way or compliment you.

How can you tell when an emo boy likes you?

An emo boy may show he likes you by being more attentive, wanting to spend time with you, and expressing his feelings through music or artistic expression. He may also open up about his emotions and deep thoughts to connect with you on a deeper level.

Why would a guy try to hide the fact that he likes you even though you like him?

He might be unsure about your feelings towards him and want to avoid potential rejection. He could also be shy or lack self-confidence, making it challenging for him to express his feelings openly. Sometimes, people may fear ruining a friendship or worry about what others might think.

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