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Just be yourself. Hang around him more and more. Then slip a note in his backpack where he can see it, asking him if he likes you. Tell him to give a note back to you, to see if he likes you. Don't tell him that you like him, then, if he says he likes you, send him another note saying you like him too. Then, you will automaticly be "going out" if not, then pass him another note asking if he will go out with you. He will probably say yes.

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10mo ago

You can say something like, "Would you like to play together at recess?" or "Do you want to sit together at lunch?" Keep it simple and friendly!

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Q: How do you ask out a boy in your third grade class?
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fist ask him and if you shy ask a firnd to ask him

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You Don't.

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Ask him out

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you can ask your friend to ask him if he wants to go out with you

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you ask him out in person. And just say txt me back. And ifhe txts you back yes then good for you. first ask to be boy friend and girl friend thats how i got ask i am a 5th grade boy

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How do you not? that is the real question.