How can you tell when a boy likes you the most when he likes other girls to?
Tehy will threaten to kill you most of the time.
Just ask her most girls are honest with it
He's going to be a guy. He's going to talk to other girls. You just have to observe how he talks to you versus the other girls.
Well if she likes other girls of course...
In most cases, Be honest. Tell her you like her, and if she feels the same way, great. If not, then there will always be other girls, and they will be very lucky girls indeed :]
you can tell when you see how he treats all the other girls, but the one he really likes he treats differently.
Ask around, or confront him
Get his number, ask general questions and figure out if he likes just you, or if he is flirty. You can also try to see if he is interested in hanging out with you.
If he's into you, he'll flirt with you in a way that he doesn't flirt with other girls. Another sign is that he'll flirt with you the most and if this guy really likes you, he'll either ask you out or be rude or kind, it depends on what kind of guy he is.
If she likes both boys & girls but prefers one over the other.
She will hang around when she doesn't have to.
Because He Likes You And He's Trying To Get Closer To Knowing You