don't eat. mm air.
Drink water instead of soda or other sugary drinks.
Do not eat a lot of carbohidrates (sugar, rice, breed, Coca-Cola), try with low fat proteins (soja, meat, pork, chicken breast). If you eat a dish full of food everyday, try with less, try to eat 5 times per day and drink a lot of water.
Strike the right balance between the calories you consume and the calories you burn.
Strike the right balance between the calories you consume and the calories you burn.
Most anorexics consume 600-800 calories a day.
Kids should consume 2,000 calories everyday, but if they are athletic and like to exercise a lot, then they should consume 2,500 calories everyday.
About 1,800 calories a day.
776 calories
Yes. If you consume more calories than you need one day, you will "store" them. If you consume less, you use any "stored" calories.
1600 to 2200 calories per day, depending on physical activity. The maximum calories the average human male should consume is 1200 calories, and average female 900 calories.
You consume about 3,500 calories in 1 pound of your own body fat.
2155 Calories
About 1200 calories
If they are starving, anywhere from no calories to 500 calories or so.