If she they date and they also look at the same sex and want to do gay or Lezbo dares.
If your friend likes to stay around you and looks at you in a strange way then they are most likely Bisexual or they may even be a lesbian.
They may even feel you up or touch themselves.
But don't worry, If you can accept that then you are a great friend!
I know this because I realised these signs when I used to hang around my best friend and then she told me.
I would tell your bisexual friend that even though its hard to tell them but you have to because you're his friend. then nicely tell them that the other guy isn't interested and that there are better people out there for him.
tell her!(:
straight up, that's the way to go..
they find out that they're bisexual and if they think you are good friend and not a gossip or jedgemental then they will tell you i know because i'm bisexual and if anyone is gonna ask how i know this is my answer i had a crush on a male friend in yr 5 and i have a girlfriend now
Yes you should. He won't know what you think of him unless you tell him.
There are no signs. If you are bisexual, no one will know for certain unless you tell them.
ask them what they would do if you did turn bi . then tell them , shoudnt be that hard if that's your best friend !
They will tell you if they trust you. If you think you are a good and accepting friend, then they may tell you. They need to know that you will be supportive and not judgmental. They need to know if you are a gossip or if you can keep a secret.
'I'm bisexual'
Yes. Unless your girlfriend is bisexual, and her best friend is bisexual or gay.
That is possible, but it is also possible she is telling the truth. You can never really tell unless you can read minds.
A bisexual is someone who is physically, sexualy and emotionaly attracted to both boys and girls. There is no real way to tell if your girlfriend is into you. If your girlfriend is not kissing you or doing sexual things with you, it doesn't mean she is not interested, it could mean that she is shy, or has insicurity or a personality disorder. Try talking to her. If she isn't a lesbian or bisexual then she usually wouldn't be dating you.