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marijuana has caused a grand total of 0 deaths in far over 2,000 years.

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Q: Has a person overdose on smoking marijuana?
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Can you die from smoking weed all the time?

One can not overdose on marijuana. Long terms effects are no different from cigarette smoking.

Can a person overdose on this classification of marijuana?

Yes. you will die

How much weed can you smoke to over dose?

As marijuana is not essential for life then smoking any amount is an overdose.

How long does it take for a person smoking marijuana to give you cancer?

Smoking marijuana doesn't give you cancer any faster than smoking cigarettes.

Who was the first person to start smoking marijuana?


Does a person get dry mouth from smoking crack?

A person may get dry mouth from smoking crack. People also get dry mouth from smoking a lot of Marijuana.

Can you overdose on marijuana if you have asthma?

First of all, marijuana treats asthma. Second, to overdose on marijuana no matter what conditions or problems a person may have is impossible. To overdose on marijuana a person would need to consume more than their body weight worth of marijuana in less than 30 days. One pound costs $5,000 and the average person weighs at least 100 pounds. That's a minimum of $500,000. Even if someone could afford it, it would be impossible to consume it all in less than 30 days.

Can marijuana smoking in the home take away a person's home?

If you're found, probably. Smoking marijuana isn't good for you anyway, I wouldn't take the chance.

Can you overdose on marijuana if you have diabetes?

To overdose on marijuana no matter what conditions or problems a person may have is impossible. To overdose on marijuana a person would need to consume more than their body weight worth of marijuana in less than 30 days. One pound costs $5,000 and the average person weighs at least 100 pounds. That's a minimum of $500,000. Even if someone could afford it, it would be impossible to consume it all in less than 30 days.

Is there a documented marijuana overdose?


Can you overdose on marijuana if it gets wet?

Think...does water kill you? The answer is no. To overdose on marijuana no matter what conditions or problems a person may have is impossible. To overdose on marijuana a person would need to consume more than their body weight worth of marijuana in less than 30 days. One pound costs $5,000 and the average person weighs at least 100 pounds. That's a minimum of $500,000. Even if someone could afford it, it would be impossible to consume it all in less than 30 days.

What is the percentage of someone dying from smoking marijuana?

You cannot die from smoking marijuana.