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The lungs do adapt to taking in smoke, but this is only a suppression of the cough-reflex, not a "toughening up". Both will damage your lungs by filling them with ash, tar and other highly toxic chemicals.

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15y ago
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15y ago

no weed is not bad for your lungs. Cigarettes fill your lungs with tocacco (a substance that is like tar that sticks to your tissues and corrodes it) and niccatine that you become addicted to. Weed is a nature herb that doctors even say used in moderation helps people.

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15y ago

no, smoking ciggarettes dont get weed outa your system any sooner, best way i find is vinegar or a detox kit from your local head-shop

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Q: Does smoking cigarettes toughen up your lungs for smoking weed?
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Is smoking weed as bad as smoking cigarettes?

Both smoking weed and smoking cigarettes have negative health effects, but smoking cigarettes is generally considered more harmful due to the higher levels of toxic chemicals and carcinogens in tobacco smoke. However, smoking weed can still have negative effects on the lungs and overall health. It is important to consider the potential risks and make informed decisions about substance use.

What are the differences in health risks between smoking weed and smoking cigarettes?

Smoking weed and smoking cigarettes both pose health risks, but they affect the body in different ways. Smoking cigarettes is linked to a higher risk of lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory issues. On the other hand, smoking weed may have less risk of lung cancer but can still harm the lungs and affect mental health. Both can be addictive and have negative impacts on overall health.

Does smoking weed make your lungs bleed?

"yes it will it is just as bad for your lungs as cigarettes" is not true!Cannabis has been scientifically proven to help lungs in re guarding your alveoliwhen inhaled threw a vaporizer.

Is smoking weed bad for your lumgs?

Inhaling smoke from anything is bad for your lungs and kills brain cells, whether it be from cigarettes, marijuana, or your bbq grill.

What weed does to the heart?

Nothing ... ? Weed doesn't damage any parts of the body. It is often associated with Tobacco (cigarettes) smoking and therefore are deemed "harmful to the lungs". However, weed doesn't damage the lungs and if it does, extremely minimal damage is caused. WEED DOESNT KILL, IT HEALS AND ONLY HEALS.

What does kesha smoking on Kesha?

In the song "Kesha" by Kesha, she mentions smoking cigarettes.

Does it harm us or help us marijuana?

Smoking it hurts our lungs, growing it boosts our economy. It's very complicated, but I can assure you that I'd rather smoke weed than cigarettes.

Does smoking weed make you younger?

No, I think all smoking ages you faster, cigarettes and marijuana. Sources: Experience

Does smoking weed and working oug make your lungs stronger?

yes it does :)

Can someones eyesight improve after stopping smoking weed and or cigarettes?

Be sure of that. Be sure of that. Quit smoking brings benefits to your entire organism.

Is smoking better then smoking weed?

smoking weed is better than smoking cigarettes. It's much healthier for you!

What kills you faster smoking weed or smoking cigarettes?

Generally speaking, smoking tobacco cigarettes will kill you faster. Although much controvery still surrounds the safety of smoking tobacco cigarettes vs marijuana, people who smoke tobacco cigarettes generally smoke ALOT more than people who smoke marijuana (few people smoke 20 joints or bowls a day, but MANY people smoke 20 cigarettes a day). This factor alone makes smoking tobacco cigarettes MUCH more hazardous than smoking marijuana.