

Best Answer
"yes it will it is just as bad for your lungs as cigarettes"
is not true!
Cannabis has been scientifically proven to help lungs in re guarding your alveoli
when inhaled threw a vaporizer.
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Q: Does smoking weed make your lungs bleed?
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Does smoking weed and working oug make your lungs stronger?

yes it does :)

Does smoking make your lungs bleed?

No. Total myth. Doesn't make any medical sense at all. Smoking tobacco is bad for you, but smoking marijuana before it won't make it worse. In Europe and Australia, people often smoke tobacco with weed. I personally enjoy a cigarette after a bong while I'm coming up.

Is smoking weed as bad as smoking cigarettes?

Both smoking weed and smoking cigarettes have negative health effects, but smoking cigarettes is generally considered more harmful due to the higher levels of toxic chemicals and carcinogens in tobacco smoke. However, smoking weed can still have negative effects on the lungs and overall health. It is important to consider the potential risks and make informed decisions about substance use.

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Does smoking weed make you skip periods?

Smoking weed does not make you skip a period. The THC chemical has no affect on the reproductive system.

Will lungs clear up if quit smoking weed?

Yes, a difference will be noted in about 6 days.

What are Wiz Khalifa's hobbies?

Smoking weed, smoking weed, and smoking weed

Does smoking weed make you lose hair?


Does smoking cigarettes toughen up your lungs for smoking weed?

The lungs do adapt to taking in smoke, but this is only a suppression of the cough-reflex, not a "toughening up". Both will damage your lungs by filling them with ash, tar and other highly toxic chemicals.

Is smoking weed while water fasting bad?

No, smoking weed will not do anything to affect the fast. Although it might make you hungry and make it hard to stick to the fast.

What weed does to the heart?

Nothing ... ? Weed doesn't damage any parts of the body. It is often associated with Tobacco (cigarettes) smoking and therefore are deemed "harmful to the lungs". However, weed doesn't damage the lungs and if it does, extremely minimal damage is caused. WEED DOESNT KILL, IT HEALS AND ONLY HEALS.

What will make you test positive for THC?

Smoking weed lol!