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Answer: In spite of Shadow promising he'd save the world for her, and their "The Miracle of Love" cutscene = storyline title in Shadow the Hedgehog (video game), Shadow is not romantically interested in anyone; SEGA hasn't stated he has a love interest.

Hello?! Shadow totally has a crush on Amy! After doing some research, I found that in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, after Amy hugs him, I saw him blush! That's right! BLUSH!! He even smiled, I'm not kidding! And when she ran off, he looked like he wanted to follow her! So yes, Shadow does have a crush on Amy! He'll probably never admit it, though.

P.S If you don't agree with me, then WHY DID YOU TYPE IN THIS QUESTION???!!!


yeah both first answer's do have a very good point (even though I'm a shadamy fan) i just think shadow only likes her as a friend. Even though true that he said he would keep her and maria's promise to save the world, at the end of the video game (shadow the hedgehog) it saids "the miracle of love", and in some other games (if you look closely) he did smile when Amy hugged him. He just likes her as a friend.

Even though no one knows if its true the shadow has a crush on Amy, but i think Sega just made these characters just for games not for relation ships although it doesn't really matter if you think he likes (or possibly loves her) that's your option if you think he doesn't like her o.k. then

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12y ago
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Shadow doesn't have sweet feelings to amy, because he know amy admire to sonic the hedgehog( or his rival )
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13y ago

They are just friends, but love interest between them is still possible.

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