David Velo Stewart was born in Cleveland, in Ohio, USA.
Robert Alesch was born in 1906.
Robert Edmond Miller was born in 1947.
Robert Bates was born in 1942.
Robert Huscher was born in 1938.
Michael Velo was born in 1851.
Fran Velo was born in Galicia, in Spain.
Teresa Velo was born in 1942, in Mexico.
Marco Velo was born on 1974-03-09.
David Velo Stewart was born in Cleveland, in Ohio, USA.
Carlos Velo was born on November 15, 1909, in Cartelle, Ourense, Galicia, Spain.
Velo Veronese's population is 792.
Philips Velo was created in 1998.
Velo d'Astico's population is 2,350.
I can find no reference to any saint named Velo.
Teresa Velo went by Tere.
The area of Velo d'Astico is 22 square kilometers.