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Many years ago when I was on Weight Watchers I was losing weight faster than most and they asked me what I was doing that may be different. I told them when I was hungry in the evening, instead of eating a snack I chewed on ice chips. The leader told me that because our bodies want to keep our thermostat at a warm temperature, we would burn more fuel (calories) to keep it there. In essence burn more calories because the ice cooled our organs down. It worked for me!!!

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Celery you burn more calories eating it than there are actually inside it:)

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You can stay fat by simply eating more calories than you burn

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to burn more calories

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It depends on how many calories you are eating per day, your age, and wheather or not you are trying to lose weight. If your eating 2900-3000 calories you should be fine, if your eating around 1500 calories then that's too much to burn.

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The amount of food (calories) is what is important with respect to weight gain. Any food in excess can make you fat. If you take in more calories than you burn in a single day, you will store the excess.

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There are 2 ways to loose weight - eat less, or burn more, calories. If apples replace a higher calorie food, that is eating less calories.

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Depends if the clothe is hot it will burn more calories but if its normal clothe it won't burn alot of calories.

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Juices don't burn calories.

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I thing because usually you are pretty stressed in the office and you forget about eating and stuff.

How many calories are there in eating vagina?

I'm pretty sure you burn more than you consume. Eat your heart out, kid.