If you miss your period and have had sex that month
Only if you're pregnant
Most women miss there first months period after becoming pregnant. Some have their period throughout pregnancy.
yes you can miss up to 3 periods! and color usually doesnt have bothing to do with it... every person is different
Not pregnant, but get a professional opinion about the reasons for missed periods.
No test is 100% accurate.
when you miss your period one month don't be alarmed it happens 2 every one
A women is supposed to have only one period every month, so if she has two in a month which is rare the chances are that she may not have a period the following month.
If she is bleeding from the vaginal opening then it is because she has her period. This is when you bleed once a month for about 5 days. The process of having your period or menstruating is getting rid of the liner of your uterus because you are not pregnant. Every month a new liner is put in place and if you don't get pregnant then it will "empty" this is when you bleed. If you do get pregnant then you usually miss a period which is because your womanly insides are preparing to carry a child.
Yes these are signs of pregnancy.
yes you have to take your birth control bill daily or you have every chance of getting pregnant, as a miss in taking it will make you pregnant.
you count how far along you are by the first day of your last period. So by the time you miss your period you are technically considered 2 weeks pregnant.