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when you miss your period one month don't be alarmed it happens 2 every one

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Q: What happens when a period is skipped?
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Is skipping your period on the pill bad?

Skipping your period on the birth control pill, whether it happens with normal use or because you skipped the placebo week on purpose, isn't bad. It doesn't increase the risk of pregnancy, and causes no damage.

Is it okay if you have taken your birth control but skipped periods and now they are catching up to you and you have your period?

I'm assuming your meant you were taking birth control to skip your period. How many months have you skipped your period? Your body is the ultimate doc. Let it happen and look to see if it differs from average for you.

Im on ortho tri-cyclen birth control pill and with the green pills makes you have your period if you skipped taking the green pills would you need to have your period still for that week?

i take orto tri cyclen and I've skipped a day or two with the green pill but i still get my period

First sex was before menstruation but regular periods for the next 6 years until this month. Can the skipped period be caused by pregnancy?

Yes, that is a possibility. One skipped period is of itself not a certain indication of pregnancy, but it's one explanation for the missed period. Consider a pregnancy test.

What happens if you have two weeks non stop of your period?

Normally it just means you skipped a period and it was delayed or it could mean you are not getting a lot of exercise . If it stays 'heavy' for over the regular amount of time ( one weekish) call a doctor or get it checked out. Not to much to worry about it

You started bc about two months ago and started before getting period instead of waiting a week after getting it you then skipped period and at the end of the pack skipped the sugar pills in order to?

Hello, When you start birth control, your period will generally arrive around the time you started taking BC pills. During the "sugar pill" you will get your period.

What can it mean if a fifteen year old has skipped her period?

Either she has irregular periods - or she's pregnant !

What is the soonest you can find out if you are pregnant?

Most over the counter pregnancy tests will show a pregnancy the day of your skipped period. However I believe there are a few more expensive ones that will be able to determine up to 5 days before the skipped period. hope this helps.

What is meant when a characteristic is said to have skipped a generation?

When the sex happens the girls bra opens and man loves it

Still virgin but period skipped for 3 months not stressed don't know what wrong?

Time to see your doctor.