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The difference between functional and dysfunctional conflict is that functional serves a purpose in the organization such as the interest and dysfunctional serves no purpose but to threaten the organization.

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8mo ago

Functional perspective focuses on how elements in a society work together to maintain stability and harmony, while conflict perspective examines how power dynamics and inequalities can lead to social conflict and change. Functionalism sees society as a system working towards equilibrium, while conflict theory sees society as inherently unequal and in conflict over resources and power.

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Q: Difference between functional and conflict
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Contemporary conflict theorist in sociology are concerned with the conflict between what?

Contemporary conflict theorists in sociology are concerned with the conflict between social classes, specifically between the ruling class and the working class. They focus on how power dynamics, inequality, and exploitation shape society and perpetuate conflict.

How did Durkheim explain functional and conflict perspective?

Durkheim explained functional perspective as looking at how elements in society work together to maintain balance and stability. Conflict perspective, on the other hand, focuses on how power dynamics and inequality lead to societal conflicts and change. Durkheim's work helped contribute to a better understanding of how society functions and evolves.

What are the three levels of conflict?

The three levels of conflict are intrapersonal (internal conflict within an individual), interpersonal (conflict between two or more individuals), and intergroup (conflict between different groups or teams). Each level of conflict can vary in intensity and complexity.

This describes the social structure between competing groups as defined by conflict or tension An example would be the conflict that occurs between Haitians and US citizens when Haitian re?

This situation represents intergroup conflict, where tension exists between Haitians and US citizens. This conflict can stem from various factors such as cultural differences, competition for resources, or historical grievances. Resolving such conflicts requires understanding each group's perspectives, addressing underlying issues, and promoting dialogue and mutual respect.

What is the framework for building theory that sees society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and change?

The framework you are referring to is likely conflict theory, which posits that society is shaped by inequality, power struggles, and conflicting interests among different groups. Conflict theory focuses on how these dynamics drive social change and perpetuate inequality within society. Key proponents of conflict theory include Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Ralf Dahrendorf.

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What is the difference between functional and dysfunctional conflict?

Functional conflict refers to conflict that is constructive and leads to positive outcomes such as innovation and improved communication, while dysfunctional conflict is destructive and hinders organizational performance or relationships. Functional conflict can lead to creativity and improved decision-making, while dysfunctional conflict can lead to low morale and decreased productivity.

Difference between functional and dysfunctional conflict?

Functional conflict refers to disagreement that leads to positive outcomes such as increased creativity or better problem-solving. Dysfunctional conflict, on the other hand, results in negative consequences like reduced productivity or damaged relationships within a group or organization. The key difference lies in the impact of the conflict on the overall functioning and performance of the group.

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the difference between functional & decorative, is that functional is when a certain accessory is actually used, while decorative is just for showing something

What is the functional difference between cock and valve?

The term cock and valve are used interchangeably in the English language. The term cock has in large been replaced with valve with no functional difference between the two.

What is the difference between stress and conflict?

Stress is a bodies response and conflict is a disagreement.

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the difference between a dilemma and a conflict is that a conflict is the main problem or the problem you find at the beginning of a piece of literature and the dilemma is the problems you get while coming to a climax of a story

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Disease is any change from a state of health; impaired body function.

What is the difference between conflict management and conflict resolution?

dispute is non violent and the conflict is violent. The original state of a conflict is dispute.

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