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Well put it this way i am on my third child and none of the pregnancy tests worked the first one i was 12 weeks pregnant when i finally had a blood test done which came back positive so i would not believe it until a blood test but the blood test takes seven to forteen days after conception. hope this helps

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Q: Chances of pregnancy pregnancy test was negative?
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What does it mean if the pregnancy test is negative?

If the pregnancy test was negative, it means that you are not pregnant.

Can your blood test negative for pregnancy and still have morning sickness?

No, a negative pregnancy test means the nausea is caused by something besides pregnancy.

Can having a BV cause a false negative on a pregnancy test?

BV won't cause a false negative on a pregnancy test.

Can a positive pregnancy test turn negative?

No , but a negative test can be a false positive .

Can antihistamines cause false negative pregnancy test?

Promethazine (Phenagren) can cause a false negative.

Is it possible for a negative pregnancy test result to indicate that you are not pregnant?

Yes, a negative pregnancy test result typically indicates that you are not pregnant at the time of the test.

If you take a pregnancy test at a Planned Parenthood and it comes out negative what are the chances that its 100 percent correct?

The chances depend on the last time you had sex. Contact the office you visited to understand when and if you need retesting.

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Take a pregnancy test. Chances are if you are worried about being late, there would enough hormones to give you a positive or negative test.

Can taking daily laxatives make a pregnancy test result negative?

o it will not help in making the pregnancy test negative in anyway.

What are the chances of a false positive with a pregnancy test?

If the test is done properly, the chances to give false positive test are very slim indeed.

Can you have a positive pregnancy test then a negative pregnancy test and light period and still be pregnant?


You took 2 pregnancy test both were negative but negative sign was very light?

i took two test it is negtive sign of pregnancy