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BV won't cause a false negative on a pregnancy test.

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Q: Can having a BV cause a false negative on a pregnancy test?
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No it can not.

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No. Taking the test too soon causes false negative.

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no way!

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No. The only thing that will cause a false negative on a HPT is testing too early. See your DR for a blood test.

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Some infections in the kidney can cause false positive dipstick test results but not false negative.

Do anti sisure medications cause false negative urine pregnancy test?

As they are strong drugs it can affect the pregnancy test.

Can having meth in your system cause a false negative on a pregnancy test?

I am not sure about that medication but I do know that on rare occasions you can encounter a false positive due to improper testing, expired pregnancy tests, rare medical conditions such as certain types of cancer, evaporation lines or a chemical pregnancy.

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no prednisone is a steriod that does not interfere with pregnancy tests.

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