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The Gamo PT-85 is designed to shoot Pellets not BB's. Here's why. The barrel in the PT-85 is rifled meaning it has grooved down the barrel that make the pellet spin as it leaved the barrel. Pellets have a soft skirt that catches the C02 blast. This skirt conforms to the grooves as it travels down the barrel. This spinning makes the pellet very accurate as it travels to the target.

BB's are usually fired from a smoothed bore barrel, much like a straw, BB tumble as they leave the barrel and can wander off target easily. When a BB is forced into a Pellet rifled barrel. It doesn't conform to the grooves, what it does is scrape the grooves off a little at a time. Each shot damages the barrel a little more making the rifle barrel worthless for pellets.

Forcing BB to be fired down a pellet barrel will ruin a very good rifle in a very short time. It will no longer be as accurate as it once was.

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Q: Can you shoot BB with the Gamo PT-85 CO2 pellet gun?
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Where can you shoot your co2 pellet gun without the fear of hurting someone else?

Always be aware of you surroundings, I shoot in my back yard, Basement, Range, garage or open field.

What do CO2 pellet gun cartridges do?

Use C02 to propell the pellet

How do C02 pellet guns actually work?

CO2 pellet guns work by using CO2 for rapid fire, with CO2 the gun does not need to be pumped or recorked after every fire. You can also find spring loaded pellet guns.

Ammo recommendations for Beretta PX4 storm CO2 air pistol. Using for targets and plinking so I want good accuracy?

You will need to buy as many different brands and weights as you can afford and shoot them . Weapons exhibit a preference for one or more loads.----------- New answer---------------The PX Storm fires a 380 FPS. I suggest you find the heaviest pellet you can like the H&N brand or Kodiak brand. Heavy pellets will fly slower but they will fly straighter and hit harder than lightweight pellets.Here is an Example:A Gamo PBA pellet weighs 5.4 grams.A H&N pellet weighs 10.65 grams.The H&N will fly straighter but slower than the Gamo. It will also have a much herder impact than the light weight pellet that is effected by crosswind where the H&N will not be effected by crosswind as much.

Is it okay to dryfire an air rifle?

If you are asking about a "springer firing system" The answer is NO do not dryfire it. When you shoot a single cock springer rifle or gun with a pellet in the chamber, there is a moment where the piston actually slows down just before the pellet is fired down the barrel. If you have no pellet in the chamber the piston slams against the end of the chamber and this will eventually ruin the chamber. Dry firing a Co2 gun will not hurt it. You will just waist Co2.

How do you make co2 pistol shoot more powerful?

If you are asking about a BB or pellet gun then try using a drop of Crosman Pellgun oil rubbed into the pellets or BB's. This will lubricate the pellets and the barrel. Don't over do it.

The value of a crosman 150 CO2 pellet gun?

100 USD

When was the crosman 150 CO2 pellet gun made?

The Crosman model 150 was made between 1954-1967. It is a .22 cal pellet pistol.

How do you make a CO2 dragster start?

To start a co2 dragster, you just simply shoot the co2 canister and then the co2 dragster will go.

Can i shoot a co2 bb gun revolver with no co2?

No it won't fire, Co2 is the power source that power the gun.

Will a 16 gram co2 cartidge fit into a pellet rifle?

Not normally. In fact I can not think of any pellet rifle that takes a 16 gram C02 cartridge.

What co2 pellet guns shoot rubber balls?

First, Pellet guns don't shoot rubber balls, they just shoot pellets. But I know what you are asking. I believe you are asking about RAM (Real Action Markers) paintball guns. These guns shoot a .43 caliber paintball or Rubber ball, not the much larger .68 caliber paintball that is associated with Paintball games. RAM guns are used for training by the police and other agencies. They feel just like a real firearm and even have blowback when fired. Umarex co carries a line of RAM guns. See the link below.