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No it won't fire, Co2 is the power source that power the gun.

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Q: Can i shoot a co2 bb gun revolver with no co2?
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Related questions

Why CO2 comes out a bb gun?

Co2 comes out of a bb gun because of the compressed co2 cartridges that are used to propel the bb itself. Additionally, the bb gun that does not use co2 cartridges just doesnt shoot out co2, but air in general.

Can you use plastic BB's in a Dan Wessen 4'' CO2 Revolver?

It is not recommended to use plastic BB's in a Dan Wesson 4'' CO2 revolver. These revolvers are typically designed to shoot metal BB's and using plastic BB's could potentially damage the gun or cause it to malfunction. It is always best to use the type of ammunition specified by the manufacturer.

Can a bb gun shoot without a co2 cartrige?

If it is a gas gun, no. However, some are spring guns, and some are electric.

What is the best bb for gamo revolver r77?

NONE! this is a pellet gun not a BB gun. Using any hard BB will ruin the rifling in the barrel and make the gun inaccurate. Read page 6 of the owners manual it tells you how to load the gun and says nothing about BB's. It should shoot pellets only.

Can a C 31 Airgun kill a person?

The Crosman C31 is a CO2 powered BB gun. In general, a BB gun does not have enough energy to kill a person. However, as a matter of general principle, it is not a good idea to shoot AT anyone with a BB gun, pellet gun, or a bazooka.

Can a bb gun shoot all its co2 cartridge air in one shot?

No it's not really possible unless you modified it to

Is it legal to shoot a bb gun in Idaho?

Yes. You may shoot a BB gun as long as you do it safely and sensibly.

Can you shoot a bb gun in tn?

Many city ordinances will allow you to shoot a bb gun on your property as long as the bb does not go beyond the property boundaries.

Can you shoot a BB gun and kill a animal?

You can kill rodents with a BB gun

How did bb gun get its name?

Because they shoot Ball Barrings. (BB)

My bb gun wont work when i shoot it doesn't shoot when i turn it over the bb comes out how do i fix it?

Send it back to the manufacture or contact the manufacture to find out who repairs your BB gun.

Can BB guns fire airsoft pellets?

A regular BB gun can not shoot air-soft pellets. BB guns shoot a .175 BB. Air guns shoot a much larger 6MM BB.