Not normally. In fact I can not think of any pellet rifle that takes a 16 gram C02 cartridge.
If you mean the standard 12 gram CO2 cartridges, they are not reusable.
All pellet guns use compressed air or gas. 1. Spring piston: Cocking the barrel of the rifle compresses the spring and piston inside the rifle or gun that is located in an air cylinder. When you pull the trigger it releases the spring and as the spring shoots forward, it pushes compressed air ahead if it that forces the pellet out the barrel. 2. Co2: A Co2 bottle it inserted into the gun or rifle, and it is full of compressed Co2. When you pull the trigger a burst of Co2 gas is released and the gas pushes the pellet out the barrel. This same idea is used for the larger PCP rifles only they use a much higher pressure bottle. 3. Pump: When you pump the forearm of the rifle it stores air in an air chamber. When you pull the trigger all the air is released behind the pellet forcing it out the barrel. BB guns work the same way.
If you are asking about a "springer firing system" The answer is NO do not dryfire it. When you shoot a single cock springer rifle or gun with a pellet in the chamber, there is a moment where the piston actually slows down just before the pellet is fired down the barrel. If you have no pellet in the chamber the piston slams against the end of the chamber and this will eventually ruin the chamber. Dry firing a Co2 gun will not hurt it. You will just waist Co2.
Use C02 to propell the pellet
CO2 pellet guns work by using CO2 for rapid fire, with CO2 the gun does not need to be pumped or recorked after every fire. You can also find spring loaded pellet guns.
A gram of CO2 has more molecules than a gram of H2 because CO2 has more atoms per molecule (three atoms in CO2 compared to two in H2). Thus, CO2 will have a higher total number of molecules per gram.
First, if you are not a grownup, get the help of a grownup. This can hurt you if done incorrectly. OPEN the action, and place the weapon on SAFE. If it is CO2 rifle, remove the CO2 cartridge. Place the rifle in a support, such as a padded vise, with the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. Without putting your body in line with the barrel, insert a cleaning rod into the barrel until it touches the stuck pellet. GENTLY tap the rod with a plastic mallet until the pellet is pushed back to the breech (rear of barrel). Did you read the first sentence?
See the link below for the Owners manual. The Kit only works on rifles made after 1999.
100 USD
Assuming you mean a .177 caliber CO2 rifle, using a light alloy pellet, they can reach about 1400 feet per second. They will actually have less energy than a larger caliber firing a heavier pellet, and are generally not as accurate.
The Crosman model 150 was made between 1954-1967. It is a .22 cal pellet pistol.
The gun was made by Crosman, perhaps that will help your search. ----------New answer--------------- This is a model 600 made by Crosman. It is no longer in production.