You can't kill yourself with Birth Control pills. An overdose will also not cause abortion or infertility.
i think youn should go to a doctor
An overdose of birth control pills could cause nausea and breast tenderness. It will not kill you, cause an abortion, or make you infertile.
No, birth control can not be used for abortion. An overdose of birth control pills can have adverse side effects such as excessive vaginal bleeding, rash, mental changes, vomiting etc. If you overdose on birth control pills, you should seek medical help or contact the poisons information line. Should you have an unwanted pregnancy, you should speak with a medical professional about your options.
Taking too many birth control pills can cause nausea or breast tenderness. It does not cause abortion or infertility.
You will probably get a withdrawal bleed a few days later. If you have been taking birth control pills regularly you should not BE ovulating. It's possible to use some birth control pills as emergency contraception; perhaps that's what you were attempting. For more information, see the link to the related question, below.
I am not allergic to birth control pills.
Packet of birth control pills on the kitchen counter, receipts from the pharmacy for birth control pills, or your wife asking, "Have you seen my birth control pills?"
No, birth control pills are not narcotics.
many birth control pills have generic equivalents.
It is legal to mail birth control pills.
The days in birth control pills are not interchangeable.
You should not mix pills with your birth control pills. This candamage your insides or cause your birth control to be ineffective. Mixing pills is dangerous.