Weight loss depends only on how many calories you consume each day versus how many you burn. It doesn't matter what time, how often,or how many meals you eat. If you eat 1500 calories, then you ate 1500 calories, period. Burn more than you consume, and you will lose weight.
yes you do
No! If you eat three balanced meals a day and three healthy snacks, that is the best way to lose weight
I'm not really sure about the amount of fat but i know that if you eat six small meals a day then you will lose weight. But they have to be good and nutritious. Also six meals a day is healthier for you(: Hope this helps.
Drinking ensure in substitute for 2 meals a day will help you lose weight. If you eat 3 meals a day plus ensure, you will gain weight. Just eat healthy and excercise and you will lose weight with no extra help.
This is depend on the body .
There are many things you can do by staying on a good diet. Lower your carbohydrates. Lower the amount you eat. Six small meals a day are better that three meals. Just some of these simple steps can help lose weight.
It depends entirely on the calorie content of the meals and your level of energy expenditure.I you're a moderately active small person who needs 2000 calories a day to maintain body weight and you eat 6 small meals, each containing 300 calories, then you will lose weight at the rate of 1400 calories - or a bit less than half a pound of fat - a week.Over 26 weeks this would amount to about ten pounds.If the meals contained 200 calories you could lose up to 40 pounds of fat (if you had it to lose at the outset).I don't know of any evidence that varying the size and frequency of meals for the same daily calorie intake makes a significant difference to rate of weight loss.
By eating small amounts but often your metabolism stays high. This stops you from pigging out at various times of the day. About 6 times a day is good.
obviously eat right and exercise...diet pills...surgeryDo not have large meals, have more small meals, drink lots of water, exercise at least 1 hour each alternate day.
It depends for how long. But that is a dangerous way of trying to lose weight. Instead, avoid all junk foods and sweetened drinks, and eat three small-portioned meals a day. If your weight doesn't decrease, see a dietician.
to lose weight you are best eating 5 really small meals a day and doing allot of exercise. and yes it will help with losing weight eating 1 meal a day isn't good cos if u are going to do that you have to keep it up forever if you don't, when u stop ur likely to gain it bak on because having 1 meal a day is like starving yourself