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Marijuana is not physically addictive, so, there are no physical withdrawal symptoms.

Marijuana does in fact for many people have withdrawal symptoms.

Anxiety, headaches, and anger are just a few of the symptoms.

I have witnessed children getting high from second hand marijuana smoke pets also. Marijuana has increased in potency over the last 10 years. I know I have smoked it most of my life. I am 42 days clean and have first hand knowledge of physical and emotional withdrawal symptoms.

I would not have non smokers exposed to second hand marijuana smoke.

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The secondhand smoke from smoking marijuana can give you a buzz, known as a "contact high"

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Stop hanging around people who smoke dope you idiot, you can get into trouble if you are caught hanging around them, especially if you get high doing it.

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Q: Can you have withdrawal symptoms from second hand marijuana smoke?
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Depending on the potency of the marijuana and the consistency of the second hand smoke, it is possible though.

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You quit smoking marijuana about 2 months ago Now you start feeling shortness of breath can it be caused by withdrawal of marijuana?

when you smoke cannabis, you are paralyzing the little cilia(sp?) in your lungs. this happens whenever you smoke anything though. you're probably just out of shape and just need to go workout. try riding an exercise bike two or three times a week and it will help increase your lung capacity and im sure you'll be feeling a lot better. i guarantee you that it doesnt have anything to do with withdrawal, chances are you're just out of shape dude!Marijuana has absolutely no Physical Withdrawal Symptoms.

Is second hand marijuana smoke harmful to pregnant women?

I dont believe second hand Marijuana does anything bad to the baby when you are pregnant. Second hand smoke from Tobacco is infinitely worse for you than second hand Marijuana.

Does second hand marijuana smoke get you high and does it come up on a drug test?

Yes, you can feel affects of second hand smoke.

How log does marijuana stay in your system if you second hand smoke?

two weeks

Why is marijuana second hand smoke less harm full than cigarette second hand smoke?

Because it is weed, and weed is good for your health.

When does a person decide to smoke marijuana?

A person decides to smoke marijuana when they are offered it, have an opportunity to buy and smoke it, or when they have an urge to smoke marijuana.