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Depending on the potency of the marijuana and the consistency of the second hand smoke, it is possible though.

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Q: Can second hand smoke from marijuana cause munchies?
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If you smoke marijuana then eating will you lose weight taking Trimspa Ultra three times a day?

If you smoke marijuana everyday then you really shouldn't be getting the munchies but if you are and can't quit you just gotta not eat during your munchies. That trimspa Ultra crap won't help you lose weight, just toughen up and work out in the day and smoke at night. Tons of people do it you just have to pick and choose carefully when you'll fulfill your munchies cause if you do it every day you'll look like Chris Farley.

Can marijuana make you lose weight?

i my self smoke weed and at first i got the munchies and actually gained a little weight

Can marijuana help people that have cancer to gain hunger?

yes, absolutely. The term munchies comes from when you smoke and get very hungry..that is why many people with deases/cancer smoke (specifically medical marijuana) to increase their appetite.

What are the symptoms that a parent has blown marijuana smoke in a babies face?

The babies eyes will be bloodshot and the baby will giggle non-stop. Also the baby will have the munchies.

Why people smoke marijuana?

cos it's fun, and gives you the munchies. plus music sounds really trippy and cool when you're high. you should try it! :)

How could marijuana get into your urinary if you do not do it?

Second hand smoke..

Can marijuana be transmitted?

nope. this cant be a real question... i refuse to believe someone is this dumb... are you implying that marijuana is a disease? no. It can not be transmitted, you cant catch a bad case of the marijuana, maybe a bad case of the munchies. but you have to smoke it yourself... you can't transmit marijuana.

Does marijuana smoke cause cervix precancer CELLS?


What are the affects to marijuana users?

munchies , blood shot eyes , feels like your walking on air ( if you get the good weed or smoke enough, sometimes panic attacks , and you relax.

Is second hand marijuana smoke harmful to pregnant women?

I dont believe second hand Marijuana does anything bad to the baby when you are pregnant. Second hand smoke from Tobacco is infinitely worse for you than second hand Marijuana.

How can you gain weight if you smoke weed?

Smoking marijuana will cause you to "get the munchies," which is just an increased hunger. You will most likely give in to your munchies and eat a lot of food, typically unhealthy food choices! You are also more apt to just sit around and not be very physically active. You might not gain weight, but some people that abuse this drug tend to.

Is marijuana second hand smoke bad?

Yes... Any second hand smoke or smoke in it's own is harmful to a child... NOT just marijuana smoke but any type if smoke at all can cause breathing difficulties, asthma, pneumonia, respiratory problems and so on... Frequent exposure will most likely cause at least one of these issues... Tobacco smoke is very bad, (even second hand mixed with marijuana) not only can it cause one of the above problems, but can also cause cancer, heart disease, stroke and so on...