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I dont believe second hand Marijuana does anything bad to the baby when you are pregnant. Second hand smoke from Tobacco is infinitely worse for you than second hand Marijuana.

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14y ago

yes 2nd hand smoke is very bad for pregnant woman and the unborn baby... and for the record 2nd hand smoke is bad for everyone...

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Q: Is second hand marijuana smoke harmful to pregnant women?
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Is second hand smoke from marijuana harmful to infants?

It's not as bad as second hand smoke from cigarettes, but it's still pretty unhealthy, especially for an infant.

What causes women to smoke marijuana while pregnant?

Nobody knows what causes women to smoke marijuana while they are pregnant.

What is the least damaging smoke to breathe in and I know all smoke is harmful but which is the least harmful?

You are correct all smoke is harmful, but between these too, cigarettes and marijuana. Marijuana is least harmful.I hope this has helped you.

Is smoking marijuana harmful during pregnancy?

Smoke of any kind can be harmful. Vaporizing marijuana as opposed to smoking a Marijuana Cigarette (joint, blunt, etc..) has been shown to be less harmful as the plant matter is not actually burned.

Does second hand marijuana smoked is consider abuse if you are caregiver?

This question is very vague. However, marijuana smoke is not harmful to anyone therefore is not abusive in any way. If a caregiver wishes to smoke marijuana, they should either obtain permission from the one they are caring for, or step outside for a moment to smoke.

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Can second hand smoke from marijuana cause munchies?

Depending on the potency of the marijuana and the consistency of the second hand smoke, it is possible though.

Is it safe for pregnant women to smoke marijuana?

No, it is not safe for pregnant women to smoke marijuana. Research has shown that using marijuana during pregnancy can harm the developing baby and lead to potential health risks. It is recommended that pregnant women avoid using marijuana to protect the health of both themselves and their baby.

How could marijuana get into your urinary if you do not do it?

Second hand smoke..

Can pregnant woman smoke marijuana?

You can rephrase the question to "Should my unborn fetus smoke marijuana?". Because that is really what you are asking. If you get high the fetus get high. So the answer is no.

Should you smoke marijuana during pregnancy?

It is harmful to smoke anything, or imbibe in alcoholic beverages while pregnant. All that stuff enters your bloodstream - it is from that very bloodstream that your baby in the womb survives upon ... you are feeding your unborn baby harmful chemicals ... stop before it's too late.

Can you get pregnant if you take Paxil 40 mg and smoke marijuana?

Has anyone ever told you that Paxil and Marijuana prevent pregnancy?