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Changing Birth Control pills could cause nausea, especially if the new pill has more estrogen. Contact your health care provider to discuss options. The nausea usually resolves within the first three cycles. Taking your pill before bed may also help.

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Q: Can changing birth control pills make you nauseous?
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How long should you wait in between changing birth control pills?

Generally birth control pills take a month to go into affect, so you should wait at least a month after switching pills.

Can changing different kinds of birth control cause your period to start early?

It's possible that changing birth control pills will change the timing of your next period.

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I am not allergic to birth control pills.

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What happens if you miss two birth control pills in a month?

If you miss two birth control pills in a month, you increase your risk of unintended pregnancy. Consider changing to another method that will give you better protection.

How is birth control bad?

From a health perspective, it alters your hormones. If your body does not adapt well to birth control, it can make you nauseous and you will almost experience pregnancy-like symptoms. It can also cause you to spot, if you miss any number of pills.

Are synthetic birth control pills a narcotic?

No, birth control pills are not narcotics.

Are there generics for birth control pills?

many birth control pills have generic equivalents.

Can i post birth control pills by USPS?

It is legal to mail birth control pills.

Is the days in birth control pills interchangeable?

The days in birth control pills are not interchangeable.

Birth control's affect on teens that just began puberty and are taking pills?

You should not mix pills with your birth control pills. This candamage your insides or cause your birth control to be ineffective. Mixing pills is dangerous.

Do you stop your birth control pills if your pregnant?

Yes, if you're pregnant, there is no need for birth control pills.