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yes, you can but only if you top up £5

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Q: Can a pay as you go blackberry have bbm?
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How do you get blackberry messenger on pay as you go?

I think you have to pay for BBM on pay as you go but if you get a contract you can get cheap prices and free BBM

Does blackberry pearl have blackberry messenger?

that's not true blackberry can have bbm on pay as you go

How do you get bbm on blackberry?

well when i got my blackberry my bbm was in instant messaging :) yeah its only on the blackberry already if your on contract, if your on pay as you go you need to get the data plan where you £5 a month or £20 for 6months:)

Can you download blackberry messenger to a phone that is not a blackberry and how?

you go on your apps and type in blackberry messenger (BBM) and click download you might have to pay though :)

Do have to be on a contract for a blackberry?

No you do not. You can get pay as you go blackberries but be warned, when buying a blackberry on pay as you go, you may have to pay £5 a month for blackberry messenger so make sure that you check with the shop attendant that you do not have to pay £5 a month for BBM!

Is blackberry messenger free from wales?

Only if it is on contract, if not and is on pay as you go, you have to pay £5.00 every month for bbm:)

Do you have to pay for internet for a blackberry to operate?

if you want internet on your blackberry you will have to pay £5 a moth for internet or bbm (blackberry messenger)

What is BBM for Blackberry?

BBM in Blackberry terms means BlackBerry Messenger.

Can you get a Blackberry on Pay As You Go?

Actually you can use a Blackberry on Pay as you go. You just won't have BBM because i have a blackberry on PAYG so i know. If you dont want to pay 4 hundred dollars for the phone alone plus a PAYG plan then its best to buy it used for like 150 and get a cheap plan you can have BBM on PAYG , if youre in canada at rogers , you can select a plan that is specifically for blackberrys which includes BBM

Can a blackberry bbm to a droid?

No. BBM stands for BlackBerry Messenger, specifically for BlackBerry devices only.

Can you have bbm on unlocked blackberry's?

BBM (BlackBerry Messenger) is supported by all BlackBerry devices on any wireless carrier.

Can you get bbm on HTC desire?

Yes, you can use BlackBerry's BBM app on the HTC One.