When people say to you 'bbm me' It means that on the Blackberry phone, text/ping the person using 'Blackberry Messenger' AKA BBM.
so when people say to you bbm me just to talk to them using BBM.
blackberry messanger
Don't pop up..
black berry massenger
umm.. bbm jus doesn't stand for "Black Berry Messenger" .. It also stands for "Be Back Maybe" .. Example: Doing a project bbm! .. haha welcomme :)
MWS means 'messages won't send'.
BBM could refer to a Bandwidth Balancing Mechanism.
not sorry for the broadcast
blackberry messanger
Black berry messenger
Don't pop up..
black berry massenger
umm.. bbm jus doesn't stand for "Black Berry Messenger" .. It also stands for "Be Back Maybe" .. Example: Doing a project bbm! .. haha welcomme :)
MWS means 'messages won't send'.
S-Sorry F- For T- The BC- Broadcast
YES, you can use your bbm in China. my pin:2ADEBDFE. If you have any question about china, you can bbm me