BBM The acronym for Blackberry messenger is BBM. Blackberry's basic acronym is BB, although it is not used as commonly anymore now that Blackberry is on the decline.
When people say to you 'bbm me' It means that on the Blackberry phone, text/ping the person using 'Blackberry Messenger' AKA when people say to you bbm me just to talk to them using BBM.
yes thats why its called bbm blackberry messenger
blackberry messanger
almost all modern blackberry smartphones nowadays have BBM, so it does have it, and if it doesn't come with the phone, you can download it from BlackBerry App World or from the BlackBerry official site.
BBM in Blackberry terms means BlackBerry Messenger.
No. BBM stands for BlackBerry Messenger, specifically for BlackBerry devices only.
BBM (BlackBerry Messenger) is supported by all BlackBerry devices on any wireless carrier.
Yes, you can use BlackBerry's BBM app on the HTC One.
blackberry messengerThe full form of BBM is the BlackBerry Messanger.
No bbm is just for blackberry but you can get PingChat which Blackberry, iPhone and android can get
No, BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) can only be used on Blackberry devices.
A bbm pin is a special number that you or your friends have to communicate with each other on blackberry messenger. BBM stands for Blackberry Messenger.
If anyone has a blackberry in your family, put your pin code and email in their blackberry and ask them would they send you an invatation on BBM. Then your BBM should work.
how do you get your bbm working if it not working
yes every blackberry phone has bbm
blackberry messenger