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Sometimes women have implantation spotting that they confuse with their period. You should take a pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant.

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Q: Blood spotting on period could you be pregnant?
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You had unprotected dex a day after period 3 days later im spotting blood could you be pregnant?


You had brown spotting and very heavy period last month would you be pregnant?

The fact that you had a period suggests that you're not pregnant, however this isn't always the case. the brown spotting could simply be the blood drying.

If im spotting with blood clots could i still be pregnant?

You can still be pregnant even though you are spotting and loosing blood clots.

What does brownish spotting instead of your period mean?

your most likely pregnant and it is old blood you need to let your doctor check you could be pregnant and old blood your uterus is getting rid off

I had my period then 9 days after I started spotting could i be pregnant?

probably you were pregnant and had a miscarriage

Why do you I have dark spotting one week after my period ended?

If you have dark spotting one week after your period ended, it could be because your uterus did not expel all of the blood out during your period. Certain medications, stress and hormonal changes are other reasons. If there is a possibility that you could be pregnant, it could be implantation bleeding.

You never bleed outside your period but then you have brown bloody spotting and cramps the day after sex.Then you get your period on time is it still your period or could it be blood from pregnancy?

potentially but usually if your pregnant you dont have your period because it is saving it for the baby

If so far your having a normal period and you know your not spotting could you be pregnant?

The answer is yes!

What does it mean if you have Very light period and now spotting thick dark blood?

in most cases that means your pregnant. in others it could be a hormonal imbalance that causes your period to be shorter and sometimes have clumps.

If have been spotting brown and bleeding then after almost a week of spotting you start cramping are you pregnant or did you have a miscarriage?

im 16 and i was supposed to start my period a couple weeks ago and i never did now i am spotting brown blood i was wondering if anyone could tell me what that means

Is it common if you could still be pregnant and still have your period?

Not having your period but spotting is int unusual during pregnancy.

If you are spotting before your period and are not on the pill could you be pregnant?

Yes and no, if you are spotting it may very well be just that, spotting. But it could also be 'Implantation Bleeding', common in early pregnancy. Best way to find out, go to the shop and get a pregnancy test. Better way, go to your doctor and get a blood test.