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absolutely. hope that helps.

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Q: Can the pregnancy test strip be erroneous?
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What happens if you peed all over a pregnancy test strip?

Urinating directly onto a pregnancy test strip can affect its accuracy by diluting the sample or causing interference with the chemicals reacting on the strip. It is best to follow the instructions for using the test properly to obtain accurate results.

Is pregnancy strip is reliable source to know pregnancy?

If the package is properly stored and has not reached its expiration date (found on box) the strip is a very reliable pregnancy test. Follow all directions precisely.

Is it possible that because of blood spotting your pregnancy test result negative?

If blood touches the test strip it can affect the outcome of the test.

You took a pregnancy test that you once had already tried to use is it accurate?

No, it will not be accurate. A pregnancy test can only be used once. Once the absorbent strip has been wet, it is done for. Sorry.

Is booin a lots could be a sign of pregnancy?

I would not say that crying (if that is what you mean) is a sign of pregnancy. However, if someone is pregnant, they might cry more frequently than someone who is not. The best way to test for pregnancy is using a pregnancy test strip.

How does mankind pregnancy test strip is working is this accurate?

Actually the test strip company which you have selected is the company one among the top five right now in India. And there products are very good in quality and its test will be accurate. Ibu T.H

What does the inside strip of a clear blue digital pregnancy test look like when it's positive?

The digital pregnancy tests are the same set up as the basic tests. You will urinate on the test (or dip it in your fresh urine) and it will say positive or negative, but if you were to take the test apart the inside has the strip that will show with the one (if negative) or two (if positive) lines. From my experience, sometimes the test will display a negative reading but the strip will be positive with a faint line so always double test a few days later.

Will a pregnancy test show that your pregnancy a week before your period?

No. That strip test becomes positive, usually After 7 days of menses and morning sample is to be used.(As urine is concentrated.) There are other tests witch can tell about pregnancy, a week before menses but are expensive.

Can a home kit drug test be combined with a pregnancy test?

You mean, a drug test that has both drug screening and pregnancy testing capabilities? Sure it could, but no one's making a test like that. OTOH, it's no problem to test the same sample for both drugs (dip stick home kit) and pregnancy (EPT test, something like that). I think the reason they don't make a combination test is it's so easy to get pregnancy tests, no one would pay the upcharge for the pregnancy strip on the drug test.

Can strip test for checking pregnancy be done at 26th day of your cycle?

I think NO. You have to wait untill you miss period. I did test on 26th day but result was negative.

What is the principle of strip test?

A strip test is a rapid diagnostic test that uses a strip or cassette coated with antibodies to detect specific substances or markers in a sample such as blood, urine, or saliva. The principle is based on the specific binding of the target substance with the antibodies on the strip, leading to a visible color change indicating a positive result. Strip tests are commonly used for pregnancy tests, drug tests, and infectious disease screening.