The sensation of feeling like you've peed your pants when you're high could be due to heightened anxiety or paranoia, which can distort your perception of bodily sensations. It could also be a hallucination or a side effect of the psychoactive substances affecting your brain's processing of sensory information.
If someone has done something you did not consent to during sex, it is important to communicate boundaries clearly. It would be appropriate to express your discomfort and set boundaries for future interactions. It is also recommended to seek medical advice if there are concerns about potential health risks associated with the act.
Yes, there are chemicals that can be added to water to change the color of urine to blue. This is often used in public swimming pools as a way to identify when someone has peed in the water. The chemical reacts with urine to produce a blue color, alerting pool staff to take action.
yes, it's especially good if the cat has peed on your laundry or gym bag. Run a standard washing machine cycle with Pine Sol instead of laundry soap, then a second cycle with whatever laundry soap you use. Works like a charm!
To clean cat pee stains off slate tiles, you can mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle, spray it on the stain, and let it sit for 5-10 minutes before wiping it clean. You can also sprinkle baking soda on the stained area, let it sit for a few hours or overnight, then scrub and wipe clean with water. Make sure to thoroughly rinse the area to remove any remaining residue.
Make sure you peed on the strip then redo. if still neither you have a 50-50 shot.
it gets peed on!
He/she will be ok just give him/her a bath
You will have to get a new one I believe
They either want you to feed them or they are cold or peed their pants
yes because the test will be more accurate when you havn't eaten or peed
Most likely a cat settled over the hood vents and peed into the air con. Happens a lot when it's cold outside.
That there has been an eorr and u will need to re take the test eather you peed on it to much or not enfo
It gets digested and your body extracts nutrients from it. What your body can't do anything with gets pooped or peed out.
This seems like an unlikely occurrence. Still, because pregnancy tests work based on HcG, a hormone made by women during pregnancy, and do not test for sperm, they would be no reason that your boyfriend's ejaculate would influence the outcome of the test.
No, my cat has not peed on my new carpet.
The term "peed" directly refers to the past tense for the word "pee". The word "peed" is synonymous with the term "urinated". The word "peed" started being used between 1875 and 1880.