They usually recommend that you wait until your 20 week scan so that they have more of a chance at determining it through ultrasound. However you can tell on some babies as early as the 12 week scan. It all depends on the babies position and how miuch water you have drank to get a clear picture.
It depends how far along you were. Could take a few days to leave your system, could take a month.
This is normally done at a scan around 16 to 22 weeks along depending on your dr.
Typically gender is first found out during an ultrasound performed around the 16 to 22 week point of pregnancy.
if you are far along in your pregnancy mucus is normal.. nasty but normal if your not to far along contact your doctor
It tells you how far along you are.
how far along is a pregnancy when your hcg count is 2097
One can find out how far along they are in their pregnancy by consulting their doctor. A doctor can determine when the baby was conceived, and therefore how long it has been alive.
When it is no longer comfortable.
8 Months
One thing i dont get is why you are asking this?