Blood work cannot tell you how far along you are as the levels vary so much from pregnancy to pregnancy, go with the ultrasound.
One can find a pregnancy weight gain chart by visiting the BabyMed website. Other places that one can find a pregnancy weight gain chart are WebMD and Baby Corner.
One can find many videos which may be helpful with a pregnancy. Baby Center offers many videos from different stages of pregnancy that one can find very useful to reference.
Not all miscarriages require a dilation and curettage, it depends on how far along in the pregnancy you were. You should schedule an exam with your doctor after a miscarriage to make sure you do not need one.
I guess it really depends on how far along in pregnancy you are. It's most likely the side that the baby is laying on. However, if you still have concerns talk to your Dr.
You can't get a reliable pregnancy test result until after 2 weeks so the least you are 3 weeks pregnant. You have to have an abortion to do that. You go to a clinic or hospital and they will give you a medical abortion (by pills up to the 9th week) or a surgical abortion depending on how far along you are.
One week.
One can find information on pregnancy week by week at a number of online sources. For example, Nestle Baby, Caring for Kids, Huggies, Pregnancy, and WebMD all have helpful information.
It can be one of two things either you are not far enough along for the baby to appear on ultrasound or you have miscarried, which in that case you would have been made aware of when they did the ultrasound.
Pregnancy pictures are highly published in pregnancy books and magazines. There are many artists and photographers that specialise in pregnancy theme that can be found on-line.
There are a few places where one may find pregnancy portraits. This includes websites such as mom365, Sofia Field Photography and Picture Correct, among others.
There are a lot of places in order for one to find out a pregnancy weight gain calculator. However, it is suggested that one should check out from the website baby2see.