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One line on a pregnancy test is negative but that doesn't mean you are definitely not pregnant as the test could of missed it or you might not be far enough along

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Q: You just took your pregnancy test and there was one straight line are you pregnant?
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Related questions

What does it mean when you take a pregnancy test at home and there is one pink straight line?

Usually that means not pregnant it has on all the tests I've seen

Can you take some kind of pregnancy test on line?

yeah, just pee on the keyboard. If it turns blue, your pregnant

How do you take pregnancy kit?

well you take the pregnancy kit pee in it then if it goes past the red line your pregnant if not your not pregnant.

What does the blue line mean on an rite aid early pregnancy test?

it means that youre pregnant. no line is "not pregnant"

Could you be pregnant there is a faint line on pregnancy test?


One line on icon25 pregnancy test what does it mean.It was on the line c.?

It means not pregnant. c is the control line and t is the test line. 2 lines means pregnant and one line means not pregnant.

What does on vertical line in the results window of a pregnancy test mean?

if you have only 1 line after taking your home pregnancy test it mean that you are NOT pregnant, and if there are 2 lines on your home pregnancy test, then you are pregnant but should go to a docotor to confirm it.

Do pregnant woman only get the dark line when there pregnant?

Do you mean the dark line running from your belly button to your groin? This can occur during pregnancy but some women also have this line when they are not pregnant.

How do you explain straight line graphs?

it just a straight line

At how many weeks do you get the line on your belly while pregnant?

You can get the line on your belly after ten weeks of pregnancy.

Are you pregnant if the pregnancy test has two dots above the negative line?

No, you are not.

Can a line in your neck determine if you pregnant?

No, only a pregnancy test can determine that.