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I have just found out that I am pregnant for the 2nd time in about 6 months. I am not ready to have a child yet, so the first time i found out i had an abortion. I really dont want to put my body through another abortion. Is there any natural way that can cause a miscarriage?...


Yes, there are dozens of natural and safe ways to induce a miscarriage in the privacy of your own home. Natural methods have been used for thousands of years by women all over the world. There are several websites with lots of information, try and

ANY way you purposely terminate a pregnancy is an abortion!

Don't forget to check the laws of your country since in the USA and many others it's illegal to abort by yourself.There is no research on these methods and if abortion is legal there is no need to risk your health. If you need help finding a abortion provider or just as questions you can call the National Abortion Federation hotline operators at 1-800-772-9100 or Planned Parenthood at 1-800-230-PLAN.

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Can one twin survive a miscarriage?

Yes. It is called vanishing twin syndrome. The remaining twin does best if the miscarriage is in the first trimester. In the second and third trimester the risk to the remaining twin increases.

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Through my experience, I had abdominal pains underneath my belly and had a fever the next day. After that I had a miscarriage at 5 weeks. I really don't know what caused it, but the fever was a symptom of a miscarriage for me. It may be different for you though. Best of luck to you on your pregnancy and hope everything will be alright for you.

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Go to a clinic and get an abortion it's not really worth the health risks to do it your self.

If a pregnant girl take a birth control bill can they have a miscarriage?

It is possible. If she is trying to have a miscarriage; not the best way. If she accidentally took one; don't worry to much, it shouldn't and probably won't have much affect on the baby at all.

Is it dangerous to get pregnant immediately after a miscarriage?

Dangerous for you? No. Dangerous for the pregnancy? Yes. The cervix need to close and the uterus to heal first so you give the pregnancy the best chance you can since almost a third of all pregnancies end in miscarriage whether it's your first or third pregnancy or whether you've had a miscarriage or abortion before or not. Wait around 4 months until trying again.

Can you lose a baby due to complications with your period?

It's always possible - the best thing to do - would be to have a chat with either your GP or midwife, and tell them your concerns because of your period. They'll give you the best professional advice - instead of relying on unqualified people on here !

If the doctor can't hear a baby's heartbeat how do they go about removing the baby?

Just because the doctor can't hear the baby's heartbeat does not necessarily mean that the baby is not alive. A diagnosis should not be made on that ground alone. Usually the body will deal with the baby itself, and unless you become feverish or have other symptoms of a miscarriage there is no cause for alarm. A D&C can be performed if a miscarriage occurs and is incomplete. This is a surgical operation where the uterus is scraped out under a general anesthetic and is best left until after a natural miscarriage. Ultrasounds and blood tests are better indicators of a baby's health than any method of hearing the heartbeat.

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Where in south America is the best natural harbor?

Rio de Janeiro (in Brazil) has the best natural harbor

How do you use ibuprofen and vitamin c to have a miscarriage?

Vitamin C does not cause miscarriage, and high dose pain killers are never good for the body. You might damage your liver before you harm the fetus. If you are this determined, it is best to go to a clinic and have this done the right way.

I had a miscarriage in july and my period still isnt normal and had no luck with getting pregnant again is there something wrong with me?

Although some women are able to get pregnant in as little as two weeks after miscarriage, this varies from one person to another. It is best to consult your doctor about the issue.