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None because its a freaking plant!!!! LEGALIZE

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Q: Besides marijuana how many illegal species of plants are there?
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Can you hind marijuana plants for radar?

Growing Marijuana plants is illegal. choose a different path before it's to late

If you have been prescribed medical marijuana is it illegal to grow your own plants?


Is possession of Marijuana seeds illegal?

In many places, possession of marijuana seeds is not necessarily illegal, but growing marijuana plants from those seeds may be illegal depending on the location's laws. It's always best to check your local laws and regulations regarding marijuana cultivation.

How long do you keep the light in marijuana plants?

Marijuana is illegal! Now go get a job before you lose all your brain cells.

How do I stop kangaroos eating my marijuana plants?

Given that it is illegal to use, possess, grow or sell marijuana in Australia, I would say the answer is fairly self-evident: simply stop growing marijuana.

Is it breaking the law to steal marijuana plants from neighbor backyard?

Yes. It's not illegal to steal an illegal substance, but it is illegal to posses an illegal substance, which would occur at the exact moment of the stealing. It is also illegal to trespass on property you do not own. However, it's a moot point, as your neighbor will never press charges because he has more to lose by doing so than you do. So legality of stealing ur neighbors plants: illegal Consequences of stealing ur neighbors plants: angry neighbors?

How can you tell from guy marijuana plants from girl marijuana plants?

There he/she

Do you have to water marijuana plants?

All plants need water, and marijuana is no different. So, yes.

What plants are in marijuana?

Marijuana is not in any plant - it is a plant. Cannibus Sativa is the 'Marijuana Plant'.

What if male marijuana plants has been next to female plant for to long what happens?

You have baby marijuana plants

Where is marijuana made?

it is made at a marijuana farm were they grow the plants

Can ropes be made out of marijuana plants?

No, marijuana plants are a soft bush. Perhaps you are thinking of hemp (Cannibis Sativa), which is a plant of the same family as marijuana.