There he/she
Since cultivating marijuana is legal in most states now, by doctors recomendation, I'm going to say that watering your marijuana plants with sugar water mixed with foxfarm's grow big and keeping them in 18-24 hours of light would be a good step towards keeping the grower out of the hospital, since if you grow unhealthy or "bad" marijuana someone will hurt you.
Water with a gallon of water with one koolaid packet or whatever flavor and do so for a month or so.
Marijuana is not in any plant - it is a plant. Cannibus Sativa is the 'Marijuana Plant'.
You have baby marijuana plants
it is made at a marijuana farm were they grow the plants
No, marijuana plants are a soft bush. Perhaps you are thinking of hemp (Cannibis Sativa), which is a plant of the same family as marijuana.
Growing Marijuana plants is illegal. choose a different path before it's to late
marijuana, weed.
Yeah but it would just be marijuana flavored. It wont get you high.
Female plants will produce buds...