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Yes. It's not illegal to steal an illegal substance, but it is illegal to posses an illegal substance, which would occur at the exact moment of the stealing. It is also illegal to trespass on property you do not own.

However, it's a moot point, as your neighbor will never press charges because he has more to lose by doing so than you do.

So legality of stealing ur neighbors plants: illegal

Consequences of stealing ur neighbors plants: angry neighbors?

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1h ago

Yes, stealing marijuana plants from your neighbor's backyard is illegal and considered theft. It is important to respect the property rights of others and follow the law.

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Q: Is it breaking the law to steal marijuana plants from neighbor backyard?
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Is possession of Marijuana seeds illegal?

In many places, possession of marijuana seeds is not necessarily illegal, but growing marijuana plants from those seeds may be illegal depending on the location's laws. It's always best to check your local laws and regulations regarding marijuana cultivation.

What are the Marijuana laws in CA?

In California, marijuana is legal for recreational and medical use for adults aged 21 and older. Adults can possess up to one ounce of marijuana for recreational use and cultivate up to six plants per residence. It is still illegal to consume marijuana in public spaces or while operating a vehicle.

How much jail time for growing 100 plants in Texas?

In Texas, growing 100 plants of marijuana is considered a felony offense. The potential jail time can vary depending on factors such as prior criminal history, the specific circumstances of the case, and the quantity of marijuana involved. Generally, individuals convicted of this offense could face several years to life in prison.

Marijuana law in Fresno county?

In fresno county the rules on marijuana are you can have 8 ounces of the dried mature cannabis plant, also you can have no more then 6 mature or 12 immature plants per patient. If you exceed this limit you are at risk of being arrested.

Did marijuana cultivation become decriminalized in California?

Under Proposition 64, passed in 2016, marijuana cultivation for personal use in California is now legal for adults 21 and over. However, regulations around cultivation, such as limits on the number of plants and where they can be grown, vary by jurisdiction. Commercial cultivation still requires a license.