I had two periods in one month and I'm pregnant. So i guess if you're asking if it happens.....yes it's possible. My first period was "normal" and the second a couple weeks later was very light. Found out about a week after that i was pregnant due to nausea.
a hard stomach and twin periods in one month mean you have twins on board.
No it is the opposite. Not having one is.
Answer I am not a doctor, but there are pregnancy devices available at most pharmacys, why not go and get one and test yourself instead of wondering.
The very first sign of pregnancy is Breast Tenderness or sore Breast.Moreover you will feel fatigued .And some back ace .I am writing it keeping in view my personal experiences !
spottings a sign of pregnancy possibly..
This is usually caused by irregular periods which are quite common. Its also advisable that you rule out pregnancy by performing a pregnancy test. See your Doctor for a evaluation.
periods could happen twice in one month, but the next month, you might miss
No. The norm is that when you are pregnant you have no period. See a doctor about your hormones, having your period twice in one month is not normal.
First of all periods last 5-7 days not 30...you do not have two periods in one month STUPID!!
While you are pregnant you do not have periods at all.
If you took birth control for one month and had a few periods then you need to see your doctor and change birth control. It doesn't sound like you are on the right type of birth control pills for you - hence the extra periods. You do need to perform a pregnancy test as there is a possibility you may be pregnant.
Yes, that is a possibility. One skipped period is of itself not a certain indication of pregnancy, but it's one explanation for the missed period. Consider a pregnancy test.