this word sais the f word you get a f word slowbro and evovel it into slowking that buuthead butt fase every time i said clocking it mines the f word clock you have a nice crismas by manuel santiago
It's a matter opinion of whether Slowbro or Slowking is the better evolution to evolve your Slowpoke into however Slowking can learn Hidden Power via the Move Re-learner and in addition to that it can also learn Nasty Plot at Level 39, Swagger at Level 43 and Trump Card at Level 53 whereas Slowbro can learn learn Withdraw at Level 37, Slack Off at Level 41, Amnesia at Level 47 and Rain Dance at Level 61 however they both can learn Rain Dance through the Rain Dance TM either way. In Pokémon Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver, Slowking can additionally learn Power Gem through the Move Re-learner. Slowbro and Slowking's Base Stats for HP, Attack, Special Attack and Speed are even however Slowbro has the higher base stats for Defense which is 110 compared to Slowking's 80 Defense Base Stats. Slowking's Special Defense Base Stat is better which is at 110 compared to Slowbro's 80 Special Defense Base Stat so if you would want an offensive or defensive oriented Pokémon then Slowking would be a better choice because for offensive reasons, it has a better offensive move pool whereas for defensive purposes, it would have better Defense and Special Defense stats.
Get your slowpoke to a level 37 to make it a slowbro. but if you want it to be a slowking trade a slowpoke that is holding a king's rock. You can find a kings rock in Cerculan city in Kanto, or the easier way is sometimes in the Pokeathlon dome you can trade your points and buy one. You will need 3000 points for a king's rock.
the game of platinum
you have to give it kings rock and trade it first. if it doesn't work send me a message. my name to add me is jadewolf37.
The first legendary you get in platinum is Giratina!!..
Level 37 for Slowbro, trade holding a King's Rock for Slowking.
Put the King's Rock in the slowpoke.Then,trade it.You will lose the rock and evolve the slowpoke.
In order to get a Slowking, you have to attach a King's Rock to Slowbro and trade it to another player so that it evolves into Slowking, that is the only way to get Slowking, you cannot breed for it.
ambipomSlowking I battled ambipom at level 50 so was my slowking and slowking beat him in one move- PsychicPOKEMONISCOOL
Slowbro does not evolve to Slowking in order to get a Slowking you must trade a Slowpoke to a friend while it holds the item King's Rock and after the trade is completed the Slowpoke will become a Slowking. Have your friend send the Slowking back to you in order to recieve the data on it for your pokedex.
Slowking can be obtained by equipping a slowpoke with a Kings Rock and trading it
Slowking is #199 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water-Psychic type Pokemon.
Slowking isn't in the Sinnoh Pokedex. In the National Dex Slowkings number is 199.
They are about the same, but I prefer SlowKing. Think that they each can learn a different move.
You can't catch any of Slowking's line in Hoenn. You must trade it from LG.
Have your Slowpoke hold a King's Rock, then trade it with a friend to get a Slowking.
yes, there is