Have your Slowpoke hold a King's Rock, then trade it with a friend to get a Slowking.
slowpoke to slowking poliwhirl to politoed
Slowpoke into Slowbro: Level 37 Slowpoke into Slowking: Trade with King's Rock attached.
Slowbro does not evolve to Slowking in order to get a Slowking you must trade a Slowpoke to a friend while it holds the item King's Rock and after the trade is completed the Slowpoke will become a Slowking. Have your friend send the Slowking back to you in order to recieve the data on it for your pokedex.
what you have to do is catch a slowpoke, then find a king's rock and make your slowpoke hold it. get another copy of emerald, or ruby and Sapphire will work fine, and then trade your slowpoke, and watch it evolve into the magnificent slowking. ENJOY YOUR NEW POKEMON
king's rock evolves poliwhirl into politoed and slowpoke into slowking when they are traded
slowpoke evolves into slowbro, then slowking if you put a kings rock on it and trade.
Trade a Slowpoke holding a King's Rock and it will evolve. You can get a Slowpoke in the Slowpoke Well.
Slowbro does not evolve. To get a Slowking, have a Slowpoke hold a King's Rock. While still holding the item, trade it with a friend and Slowpoke will evolve into a Slowking.
slowpoke to slowking poliwhirl to politoed
Slowpoke into Slowbro: Level 37 Slowpoke into Slowking: Trade with King's Rock attached.
Slowpoke evolves into Slowking by attaching a King's Rock to Slowpoke and then trading the Slowpoke to another player.
Yes, Slowpoke is capable of evolving in Pokémon. Slowpoke can evolve into Slowbro and Slowpoke once traded with a King's Rock item attached to it can also evolve into Slowking.
Slowbro does not evolve to Slowking in order to get a Slowking you must trade a Slowpoke to a friend while it holds the item King's Rock and after the trade is completed the Slowpoke will become a Slowking. Have your friend send the Slowking back to you in order to recieve the data on it for your pokedex.
i think you make a slowpoke hold a kings rock and as it levels up it may evolve
what you have to do is catch a slowpoke, then find a king's rock and make your slowpoke hold it. get another copy of emerald, or ruby and Sapphire will work fine, and then trade your slowpoke, and watch it evolve into the magnificent slowking. ENJOY YOUR NEW POKEMON
In Pokemon Liquid Crystal, Slowking can be obtained by evolving a Slowpoke that is holding a King's Rock while being traded. When Slowpoke is traded while holding the King's Rock, it will evolve into Slowking.
yes, into slowbro and slowking