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king's rock evolves poliwhirl into politoed and slowpoke into slowking when they are traded

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

you have to trade while holding a kings rock to evolve these Pokemon

1.slowpoke to slowking

2.poliwhirl to politoed

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Q: What Pokemon evolves with a kings rock?
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What Pokemon can evolve with a kings rock?

Currently only two Pokemon evolve when traded while holding King's Rock. These two Pokemon are Poliwhirl and Slowpoke. Poliwhirl evolves into Politoad and Slowpoke evolves into Slowking.

Howo you get a politoad on Pokemon diamond?

give poliwhirl the kings rock and link trade it then it evolves.

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Slowbro evolves into Slowking while hold the King's Rock when you trade him.

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slowpoke evolves into slowbro, then slowking if you put a kings rock on it and trade.

What is the king's rock on Pokemon LeafGreen for?

It evolves Pokemon such as slowpoke now have slowpoke hold the kings rock then trade it to a friend then take it back it will be a slowking now, if you have a poliwhirl have it hold kings rock then trade to a friend and take it back it will now be a politoed.

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get a geodude, train it till it evolves in graveler train it till level 40, give it a kings rock and trade it

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whare do you get a kings rock in Pokemon dimond?

Who do you trade with holding kings rock?

slowpoke, it evolves into slowking

Is there a stone that evolves rock type Pokemon?

No; there are no rock-type Pokemon that evolve by stone.

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you don t do that. get a kings rock give it to a slowpoke trade it to a person and it evolves

What does the shiny rock in Pokemon diamond do?

it evolves certain pokemon, like togetic

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yes it evolves into glaceon yes it evolves into glaceon how do you get eevee to evolve with the icy rock?