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Slowbro does not evolve to Slowking in order to get a Slowking you must trade a Slowpoke to a friend while it holds the item King's Rock and after the trade is completed the Slowpoke will become a Slowking. Have your friend send the Slowking back to you in order to recieve the data on it for your pokedex.

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Q: When slowbro evolve into slowking Pokemon leaf green?
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Where do you get slowpoke in pokemon emerald?

After getting national Dex, simply trade from Fire red or Leaf green.Actually slowpoke can't be found in Fire Red...can only be caught in the Leaf Green version.-SatoresYou can't get a slowpoke on emerald but you can trade one from Pokemon fire red and leaf green. I think you can find them in the water.You cannot get a Slowpoke,Slowbro or SlowKing in Pokemon Emerald Verion for Game Boy Advance SP.You have to trade it via Fire Red Version.that's how I got my SlowKing.In Pokemon Firered you can get slowpoke in Seaform islands.You can get there by sufring right off the coast of Cinnabar Island.You can evolve slowpoke to slowbro by training it to level 37 and then evolve slowbro to slowking by trading it holding a kings rock.

How do you get a slowking in pokemon LeafGreen?

Slowpoke is not in Pokemon Fire Red. They are only in Leaf Green. Hope I helped!

How do you evolve a slowpoke to a slowking inpokemon leaf green?

u dont

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Slowbro cannot be gotten rid of since its owned by the girl right next to it.

What is good about FireRed?

It is not very different to Leaf Green, except that some Pokemon (like Shellder and Cloyster) cannot be found in Leaf Green. This works both ways, as you cannot obtain Slowpoke, slowking or Slowbro. If you have Leaf Green or Fire red, dont bother getting both, as theyre basicly the same. The best soda is yellow, and from Norway: Solo

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go to pokemon box, find the pokemon you want to evolve and click the green button that says evolve

How many Pokemon can you catch in fire red without trading?

I don't know but I do know which you can only find in Leaf Green: Sandshrew, Sandslash, Vulpix, Ninetales, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebel, Slowpoke, Slowbro, Slowking, Staryu. Starmie, Magmar, Magby, Pinsir, Azurill, Marill, Azumarill, Misdreavus, Sneasel, Remoraid, Octillery, and Mantine. They can only be found in Pokemon Leaf Green and you must trade.

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Aerodactyl does not evolve.

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You do not catch "lickitongue" in leaf green. You have to trade a slowbro for it in the intersection of the left of Fushia city.

How do you evolve kadabra in Pokemon leaf green version?

you need to trade it and it will evolve

Where can you find Pokemon 80 in Pokemon Diamond?

Well unfortunately you can not catch it in diamond. The Pokemon is slowbro if you did not know and if you really want one you can trade it over from a leaf green or fire red.