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In order to get a Slowking, you have to attach a King's Rock to Slowbro and trade it to another player so that it evolves into Slowking, that is the only way to get Slowking, you cannot breed for it.

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Q: Can you get a Slowking if you have a female Slowbro or a female Slowpoke?
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Does slowpoke evolve?

yes, into slowbro and slowking

What level does slowbro evolve in white?

Slowbro does not evolve. Slowbro is already a fully-evolved form. Slowpoke can evolve into two different forms--Slowbro and Slowking. In order for Slowpoke to evolve into Slowking, you have to trade Slowpoke while the Slowpoke is holding the item King's Rock.

Is there something after slowbro?

If by "after" you mean if it evolves, then no. one might think Slowking is Slowbro's evolved form, but Slowking evolves from Slowpoke if Slowpoke is traded while holding a King's Rock.

How does slowbro evolve into slowking?

slowbro can not. slowpoke evolves when it holds a kings rock and you trade it.

When does Slowpoke evolve into slowking?

Slowpoke evolves to Slowbro at level 37. Slowpoke evolves to Slowking by being traded with a King's Rock

What level does slowbro evolve in soul silver?

At level 37, slowpoke evolves into slowbro. To get slowking, have slowpoke hold king's rock and trade it.

What level does slowbro evolve into slowking?

Slowbro doesn't evolve.If you're trying to get a Slowking, trade a slowpoke while it is holding a Kings Rockslowbro doesn't evolve to slowking. You need to get slowpoke and give it the kings rock and then trade it in order for it to evolve.

When slowbro evolve into slowking Pokemon leaf green?

Slowbro does not evolve to Slowking in order to get a Slowking you must trade a Slowpoke to a friend while it holds the item King's Rock and after the trade is completed the Slowpoke will become a Slowking. Have your friend send the Slowking back to you in order to recieve the data on it for your pokedex.

In Pokemon SoulSilver how do you evolve slowpoke?

Slowpoke into Slowbro: Level 37 Slowpoke into Slowking: Trade with King's Rock attached.

When does slowpoke evolve?

Slowpoke evolves to Slowbro at level 37. Slowpoke evolves to Slowking by being traded with a King's Rock

Does any trainer have slowking in soulsilver?

I have slowking you have to travel to the bottom of the slowpoke well and a man will give you a crown or something then you give it to a slowbro or slowpoke i forget, then trade it

At what level does slowpoke evolve?

It evolves into a Slowbro starting at level 37 or into a Slowking if traded holding a King's rock.