

Why do you hold your pee?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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14y ago

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Generally because the moment provides no bathroom or because the moment is too special to leave.

OR: Someone's making you wait and you can't go until they're done talking. *Like if your in trouble with a parent or friend* Or at times a person doesn't feel comfortable telling someone else the need to go. (Which Is commen* I think. lol. Or that your just being lazy don't be lazy. Trust me!

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How do smooth muscles help you hold your pee?

They relax to hold your pee and contrast when you want the pee to get out.

What would make an 8 year old pee in pants?

Not long little kids say mom or mommy I have to go to the bathroom or I have to pee and then cry that they can't hold it after a while.

Is it bad to hold your pee?

my sister does nursing in her high school and YES it is bad to hold your pee. i think it could lead to..... i dont know i forgot what she told me, but yes holding your pee is bad.

Why do i like peeing myself?

I like to pee myself because of the feeling. I usually hold it hold it hold it until I can't anymore and pee in my pants. It feels so good and warm

Can girls control the speed of their pee?

yes, they can. by tightening and loosening the muscels than hold in pee, they can control the speed of oir pee

If you hold your pee does it goes on your blood?

i don't think so as pee is hold in the bladder how can it go to the blood CMIIW GORDON FREEMAN RULEZZZZZZ lol

How do you hold in pee if you are a girl?

Cross your legs...

Is it bad for a dog to hold its pee?


Why do I pee myself at night while i am asleep?

You are too drunk to wake up when you need to pee.

What do you do if you are stuck in a lift ans you need to pee?

Hold it, or pull down your pants and pee off of the lift.

What do you do to stop peeing a lot?

You can do this exercise... What you do is when you pee in the toilet, you go a little, then hold it.. then go a little more.. then hold it... and you repeat this almsot every time you go to the bathroom. This can help build the muscles in your bladder so that you don't pee yourself and it helps you hold your pee longer then usual.

Is it good to hold in your pee?

No it can result in a bladder infection.